
The Xbox 360 Overheats - Use These Tips to Keep Your Xbox Console Cool and Red Ring Free!

You went out and bought your new Xbox 360, ready to plug it into Xbox Live and conquer the world? Well, take these steps up front to ensure that your world domination doesn't come to a screeching halt naturally because your console overheated. The Xbox's have a known history of getting the tiny orange ring of death in some instances. When the console overheats, the lighted ring around the power button turns to a challenging orange. This is your clue that your Xbox has overheated.

What can you do to fix it? Well there are a few things you could do. First, make sure that you keep your system in a well ventilated area. Sticking it in the entertainment town behind the cable box and Dvd player will almost assure you of overheating from time to time. Secondly, if you do overheat, naturally unplug it and let it cool down for about an hour. When you go to plug it back in, make sure you have found a better location for it to reside so that you can preclude overheating from happening again. Remember, the Xbox 360 is a computer console at heart. They don't like wide climatic characteristic swings and they thrive in temperatures right around 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.


One last word of guidance is this: if your house has pets or a high attention of dust for some reason, don't forget a can of compressed air to blow out the fan. These consoles attract pet hair into the fans like you wouldn't believe, causing the system to work hard, and cool less.

The Xbox 360 Overheats - Use These Tips to Keep Your Xbox Console Cool and Red Ring Free!
The Xbox 360 Overheats - Use These Tips to Keep Your Xbox Console Cool and Red Ring Free!Minecraft - "Shadow of Israphel" Part 1: Crash and Burn Tube. Duration : 14.50 Mins.

The heroes finally return home, after a gruelling period on the Survival Island - to find that the world they left behind has changed for the worse. They must gather what resources they have and set out on a new adventure! Huge thanks to Variede for the starting cutscene and bonus stuff, subscribe to his channel here! Very reasonable rates! www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Our Podcast: itunes.apple.com Texture pack is DSB's Gerudoku remix, around page 17 of this thread: www.minecraftforum.net

Tags: minecraft, adventure, mode, survival, multiplayer, yogscast, beta, israphel, notch, xephos, honeydew, lewis, simon, old peculier, daisy duke, skylord lysander, airship

Credit : Ladies watches

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